Glen Park Cleaners: Best Neighbor Ever

June 4th, Glen Park Cleaners had a fire. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

We had lived in the apartment above the dry cleaners for 16 years. We lost our home to the fire. Though we were able to salvage many sentimental items, the building is no longer habitable. In the early days after the fire, one of the many disorienting things was figuring out what it would be like to live without being near to the Glen Park Cleaner’s owner Tommy. In the 16 years we had lived there, we had not gone more than three days without seeing him if we were home. He often worked 12+ hour days meaning our mornings and evenings were bookended with interactions with Tommy.

We were not the only people so fond of and attached to Tommy’s kindness and contributions to the community. We salvaged this board and love notes for one final farewell love note installation on the fence.