First Follower: Seattle, WA December 2010



One of the shortest and brilliant TED talks Derek Sivers teaches us about the importance of first followers (both to be a follower and nurture those who follow). Last week I was walking down the street one evening enroute to a lil talk at a work event. I bumped into a friend I'd not seen in several years. As we had our quick catch up, he remarked how much had taken off since he was in my kitchen 3+ years ago and I was launching with the original flier and blog. Remember I posted a sign in Seattle? Seems I'd never heard this story or found this photo he'd sent. His super organized friend, whips out her phone and shows this snap from December 2010 in Seattle, WA. This is absolutely the first posting on the road, and I had no clue. Thank you, Mike! I love the "get love. give love." circling back a thousand days later. Even sweeter.