finding your love in Newark, CA

One weekend adventure took us to a suburb between San Francisco and San Jose - Newark, CA. I was looking for places to post the love but it seems most folks were driving and not walking.  That with the gusty wind made it hard to find suitable locations.Then, I pulled into a dirt parking area next to the train tracks to turn around.  We spied a tumbleweed literally blowing down the tracks perfectly - just like a movie.  "Hey kids, a tumbleweed!"  Small people want to get out of the car and touch the tumbleweed; there was some discussion about building a figure out of tumbleweeds until the prickley texture dissuaded further interest.  Parked for the tumbleweed adventure a chain link fence between the car and the tumbleweeds, I saw photos and ephemera hanging from the fence with plastic ties.  Immediately I got out of the car - I had to know more - these are my people, I thought.I discovered a thoughtfully detailed memorial to a man taken before his time (I recognize that grief and longing for more). He was a tow truck driver, Elvis impersonator, and clearly beloved.  A laminated note from his mom thanked whomever for the use of the fence as a memorial location and gave a telephone number for anyone with questions or concerns.I hung my "i love you, too" sign between her note and the wreath.One of the things I love about travel (even a short road trip) is being lost.  But even better is the feeling of being found - finding yourself in just the right place.With thanks to the wind and tumbleweeds, the weekend adventure now felt complete.