Find your heart at 826 Valencia

I am a huge fan of 826 Valencia, the Pirate Store and writing center for kids. 826 Valencia supports my kids' school Edison Charter Academy through field trips, workshops and after school programming. My kids have taken many workshops and I love teaching workshops there - one of the places my heart cracks open is in the classroom at 826 Valencia. What a HUGE treat to create a window display for the place that gives kids a voice.

The window display is truly stunning and up through the end of March.  I hope you get a chance to go by and check it out, maybe even leave a note of your own.



My son helping install the curated love notes.

Find your heart at 826 Valencia







This 826 Valencia window is an analog, missed connections style display of love notes curated from events held by LoveYou2 in 2012-2014. At each event, the public was invited to respond to various prompts using the love notes as templates. Some chose to sign their notes, most did not. The seldom found opportunity for anonymity and being witnessed is golden.All are welcome to participate. Inside the Pirate Store you can write a note to your one true love or to your nemesis. The display will be refreshed with notes through the month. @LoveYou2org @826_Valencia #LoveYou2 #826ValenciaThe first night of the installation, passersby stop to check out the notes.Love notes in this display curated from events held at: Perch, Lick Wilmerding High School, Dia de los Muertos, Thomas Edison Charter Academy, SFGH Foundation’s Hearts After Dark, Maker Faire, Burning Man Center Camp Cafe, International AIDS Conference, StoreFrontLab, Summberbridge, Succulence, Roadworks Steamroller Printing Festival, and SF Bazaar.About the artist: Shannon Weber is an artist on a mission to change the world one love note at a time. She is an 826 Valencia volunteer workshop teacher and mom to three 826 Valencia students. At she posts about her adventures documenting signs of love, installing public art love notes, and reflecting on life's loves.My love for you in the light of day shines bright.