Documenting Proofs of Love


"There is no love; there are only proofs of love." Pierre Reverdy

One of the great joys in my 

i love you, too

 journey is seeing proofs of love all around me. What began as an opportunity to share the

i love you, too

 sign and play with the possibility of sharing our

i love you, too

stories has evolved into a lifestyle of

Get Love. Give Love.

 When I launched the website in November 2010, I committed to myself that I would

play with it

(work on it, however you see things) for one year, completely unattached to the outcome but dedicated to following the whims of my heart and with a promise to have fun and embrace any fears I encountered.  Little did I know how much fun I would have and the variety of love that would materialize. Love is a theme for my hours and days and weeks.

Inspired by the above Pierre Reverdy quote in Gretchen Rubin's

The Happiness Project

  &  her Happiness Project goal to give proofs of love, I recognized I was on a journey

documenting proofs of love

around me.  Some of these proofs of love were

love notes

 I left for specific




.  In fact, I think I spent an entire month posting daily love notes for different people in my life. I had so much fun dreaming up who would be next, where I would post their sign, what secret message I might weave into the text. My commitment to the 

i love you, too

journey gave me the excuse to be bolder, to look for the love in my life and then document it.  

I then began seeing proofs of love and messages of love in

street art

, nature,


and poetry,

interactions with strangers

, really


.  I posted some of these proofs of love on my 

Get Love. Give Love.

blog and started to document other proofs through status updates on Facebook and Twitter.

Of course as I start giving more proofs of love and being aware of love all around me, I start receiving more proofs of love like this anonymous

love note

, suggestions from my


, emails from

friends far and near,

brief conversations with




 and recognizing truly profound gifts of love from dear ones in my life.

I'm curating a virtual journal of proofs of love, it seems.  What a concept.  I want that job!  What fun to be the curator of proofs of love in life.

Today's proof of love is arriving home from working and finding a vegetarian dinner in my refrigerator cooked up and left for me by my carnivore loving friend.  Along with this darling love note: Dinner is served.  Now that is a proof of serious love.