deborah cohan virtual gratitude & love mob - so much love!
As part of her second round of chemotherapy, Deborah Cohan organized a virtual love and gratitude mob. My daughter and I arrived at Mt. Zion hospital as the Cold Cap study team ("I'm a clinical researcher," she says. "I love the social justice aspect if this cold cap is effective, it will bring lower cost alternative to clinics for cancer patients wishing to preserve their hair.") and San Francisco Chronicle reporter and photographer were organizing for the day to begin. Deb's mom Gloria was there the entire day with Taft and I getting the first of the friend shifts. As the chemotherapy process organized, the love note writing began. We fanned out the love notes on a surgical tray and offered sharpie pens to anyone who came into the room. As the day progressed, the chemotherapy infusion stand became covered with love and gratitude notes. And then the notes started posting to Facebook, Instagram, text message. Deb's children's entire elementary school wrote notes. A video gratitude note was sent in. This 'get love. give love.' experience rippled widely. I enjoyed the opportunity to stand in front of a blank pile of love notes and write until I could not think any more. Then a few minutes later, more gratitude arrived and I wrote again. This fountain of gratitude stayed with me into the next week as I kept writing notes, taking photos, and sending them via text. So. Much. Love. Dear Deb- I am grateful for YOU. For sharing the journey. For the love that connects us. xoBeauty and I putting on some courage for the road. You never know when this will come in handy.