You Caring Compassion in Action Gallery: First Thursday Opening

  HIVE team poses in front of the love note wall.  Photo Voice participants shared their art opposite the love notes, bring the story of HIVE alive.  Love notes you can customize were a hit!  Sponsor a sign - look at all that love. Live love note writing brought everyone into the creation of a public display of affection.What a bonanza of love at the You Caring First Thursday gallery opening! It was a magical overlap of regular First Thursday gallery attendees, fellow love note writers and love artists, and both staff and patients from the HIV world. Hello, love! We raised $676 toward our goal of $10,000 for the amazing work to end HIV transmission at HIVE clinic. There's still time to join this effort by donating to the You Caring fundraiser, buying love notes at the LoveYou2 shop (all proceeds going to this fundraiser, or join us in person on Feb 29th for the Leap of Love where we distribute love notes around San Francisco!