Burning Man Center Camp Cafe 2014 Love Note Installation





I'm back from the playa, washed off most of the dust and savoring the memories of the sky lit as the sun rose, the clouds moving across the desert and the ease with which one moves through a conscious community. My love note installation in Center Camp Cafe went beyond my dreams.....the entire board already several notes deep by the time I arrived to the desert midweek. By Thursday evening, I had run out of love notes and the notes were stacked up to ten thick across the board....so much love. Thank you for joining me in this gifting, this receiving, this intentional community of loving and being loved.

What remains: My love for you

At a funeral, in a obituary or newspaper account following public deaths there are poetic often profound tributes to the dead. This is particularly true in a death or loss that is seen as untimely, too soon. I often wonder if these beautiful testimonies were spoken aloud or put in writing while both parties were alive.

There are some things to leave, others to burn & more to release.  

What remains?

Write a note. Snap a photo. Share.Photos of this public display of affection posted to www.LoveYou2.org.