Building boundaries for a better future: In Trust podcast episode 9

Episode art for In Trust EP 9: Interview with Shannon Weber - Building Boundaries for a Better Future

Late Summer 2020, I joined Lisa Lambert and Rick Kitagawa for a conversation about trust. This conversation just aired as Episode 9 of their In Trust podcast. I met Rick and Lisa as fellow coaches in Seth Godin's altMBA. Since the launch of their collaborative venture, Spotlight Trust, I've been delighted to work with them as we transitioned our services at PleasePrEPMe where they helped our team to develop career narratives and pack our virtual job seekers backpack.

This week on In Trust...

How can leaders, especially those who really care, leverage boundaries to rethink about how they show up? How do you start building trust in yourself when you're afraid?

In this episode of In Trust, we’re excited to bring you the generous insights of Shannon Weber, a social entrepreneur, author, coach, artist, and facilitator whose resilience toolkit has transformed countless lives. Her generosity in spreading love into the world while building healthy boundaries is pure magic. Listen and enjoy!

  • EPISODE 9: Interview with Shannon Weber - Building Boundaries for a Better Future

Listen to the latest episode of In Trust on your favorite podcast player and be sure to subscribe. Also, if you like what you heard, please rate and review the show - it helps other people find us.

​Talking Points

  • Shannon’s work from the lens of a social worker - working at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels

  • How growing up as the oldest of 14 children frames how she sees the world

  • The necessity of establishing strong boundaries and sustainable practices especially when we’re helping others in crisis

  • The origins of the resilience framework Shannon shares in her book, Show Up Hard, which took shape while she was working at a 24/7 crisis hotline staffed fully by volunteers

  • How medical mistrust is a systemic problem and how the healthcare industry needs to become more trustworthy

  • Owning complicity in systemic institutions of injustice

  • The ebb and flow of trust in how we signal to others, and reevaluating our trust in others, especially in a time of multiple pandemics

  • What Shannon looks for when reevaluating her beliefs and systems she supports

  • Shannon’s LoveYou2 project: how it started and what it’s blossomed into and how you can get involved

  • A social entrepreneur’s guide to taking the first step and building trust in yourself, even if you don’t have much trust in yourself to begin with


“When in those moments of crisis can you give people information, or tools, or the support that comes from showing up for each other so that people can become resilient or make the change that is positive in their life?” —Shannon Weber

“It really behooves us as the helper to think strategically about how it is that we embody showing up for others in crisis.” —Shannon Weber

“It’s actually a deeply brave and courageous act when I choose to trust someone and that just feels so tender talking about it. And if that’s true then it’s also brave and courageous when someone chooses to trust me” —Shannon Weber

“What would it be like for us to change that and not talk about the medical mistrust of people or a person, but to think about how as institutions we are not trustworthy and what is that work that we need to do to become trustworthy?” —Shannon Weber

“I don’t know if I always do trust myself and that’s an okay thing for me to know, and to know my limit of what I know and who am I going to go to and who do I trust to get information or support from.” —Shannon Weber

“It doesn’t mean they will all take off, but I’ve learned something from each of these starts that helps inform the next thing.” —Shannon Weber