At 3:32 p.m. today I wanted to hold onto my anger...

loveyou2AlabamaStreet-7852231.jpg 3:41 p.m. I bumped into *i love you* tacked to a telephone pole on the corner of Mariposa and Alabama. I was two blocks from my house.

I was still angry. Even with the sun shining down on me. Still angry from the walk back to the Mission all the way from Ocean beach.

When I saw your sign I was reminded as to why I've lived in San Francisco for 15 years. 

And why punk ass drunk kids pissing on my doorstop will never make me leave.

And that it's love that will make me extend an olive branch to my husband even when I don't want to.

Not because it's Valentine's Day (though that stupid societal pressure of a Hallmark holiday does have it's power)

But because your love is so great it makes me stay here.

And say I'm sorry.

Because that's what we need to do.

Keep spreading the love.

Thank you. 

I love you 2.



Amanda Coggin


(Listen to 

my latest interview

 on The Voice of America!)

+-Litquake Committee-+

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

-Anaïs Nin