Are you in love?


Her text arrived on day three of our spring break road trip. "Are you in love? You seem so happy." I giggled, she must be reading the i love you, too Facebook updates.  How to respond? I knew she was referencing being in love with a person, with a someone. But I felt more 'in love' than that. I'd discovered a new path of living love, so that being in love was more of a place that existed around me or within me than describing a relationship to a person.  "Madly!" I texted back. "nutella sandwiches for breakfast, hot tub in the rain and jumping on the bed. What's not to love?" 

I was also snapping photographs of anything that looked like love and hanging i love you, too signs everywhere we went, tucking extra tabs on windshields and into parking meters.  Love was literally everywhere.  My friend could feel my being in love from the updates posted to website and Facebook page though she was several states away from my experiences.  What an amazing experiment in being in love. And yes, I was beyond simply happy.

I've slowly realized I can be in love whenever I choose. It's a conscious choice to participate in the world from a place of love. Its more than just viewing life with rose colored glasses, though the sunlight does seem to shimmer brighter off building windows when I go to this place of being in love. Giving myself the job of hanging up love notes and posting stories about my experiences is a how-to in being in love, a practice of going to the in love place and seeing what happens as I interact with others in the world.

Today I'm in love, again. At least for the morning.

Are you in love?