Apologies & Prayers: window display at 826 Valencia







Thomas Edison Charter Academy students on a field trip at 826 Valencia.Up now through the end of February, "Apologies & Prayers" window display at 826 Valencia.Please join us in the pirate store and write a love note that will be displayed in the window through out the month.Why apologies and prayers? The end of last year felt a bit of a turmoil for me both on a macro and micro level. I felt much angst and anger, fear and sadness, exclusion and posturing whether I was reading the news or sitting in mediation. As always, I know I play a role in that exchange even when events are states or countries away from me. I know I have a part both in what is wrong but also what can be righted. Thus, apologies and prayers. I take the chance to own up to what is my part, for talking about privilege, for acknowledging the injustice, for examining what is out of balance. My apology. Then, I bow to the divine (the light inside me and the light inside you) and offer a prayer of healing, of hope, of progress, of love. I'm realizing this is my new meditation and offering: my apologies and my prayers. Will you join me? It's scary at first, but as you soften it becomes a practice you can repeat with humility.This is how the window looked on the first day.....awaiting your love notes, your expressions of apology and prayer. Already the window is filling in as I go by to find new love notes in the pirate store. Come add yours!