a little love: a wonder of a guest story

One of the unexpected glories of traveling this "get love. give love." journey is hearing YOUR amazing stories, feeling this exchange of love between strangers. I received an email this last weekend which gave me goose bumps and when I opened the attachment, tears to my eyes______________________To: LoveYou2.org@gmail.comFrom: Natasha"Then I'm going to get an airplane and I'm gonna fly everywhere and sprinkle the whole world with love notes." I was sitting in my car waiting to pick up my daughter from school. My Uncle had just passed away and my heart was very heavy. Just then, I received an email from my friend with a link to Karma Tube which I'd never heard of before. I watched your mini-documentary with tears streaming down my face - tears of pure joy for what I was witnessing in you spreading love and joy. In that moment, you helped lift some of that heaviness on my heart. Just as I did, the world needs your magic! I sat straight up when you spoke those words, smiled a smile I swear I didn't think I had in me in that moment and said,  "NO WAY!" out loud hahaha. I immediately responded to my friend's email by saying, "This is amazing! I made a piece of art months ago and I think I made it for this woman."No, it's not an airplane but you would fly and spread love. I've attached it for you.Thank you for the love you are sharing with the world. Thank you for inspiring your children and friends and random people to do the same. Thanks for being exactly who you are in this world. :)Cartwheels (I'm known for them! hahahaha....yesterday was my 40th birthday and I spent the better part of my afternoon cartwheeling.)Natasha

A Little Love

A Little Love


Pinch me. What perfection! Of course, it's a hot air balloon. Wow. I'm printing this out and adding it to the bulletin board over my desk. New day dreams....sprinking the world with love notes. Thank you, Natasha! xo