A great love


He has a great love for his daughter.

I came to believe this from a distance and without many details; just brief observations during the transitions of sometimes frenetic school activities. He was always there, calm and quiet.  His eyes shown with delight while his mustache partially obscured his peaceful, warm smile whenever his daughter spoke or he spoke about her. I admire his particular calm, inner strength and what feels like parenting as a peaceful devotion to what might be.

This week in a flash interaction during a time when most of us were frazzled to the point of barely cordial, I looked up to see this man extend the same peaceful devotion to what might be to my daughter.  It was a genuine, humble act of generosity.  My daughter glowed in response and as we walked away she explained, "He is always like that." Simultaneously, I felt goose bumps rise on my arms and tiny tears form behind my eyes.  I also felt like skipping. Simply observing this interaction had a contagious effect - the wonder of humanity and delight with life rippled.

He does have a great love for his daughter, there is no doubt.

But the larger truth is - he has a great heart.