hello, summer


          Summertime! Longer days, a different schedule, fewer rules, and a trip or two.Each summer I make a list of things to do and try.  This summer I am biking to work, experimenting with cooking healthy bowls getting back to cutting stencils, and challenging myself to fall in love often.Which has me reminiscing about all the unexpected places I've fallen in love before, gearing up for expansion.A non-exhaustive list: cross-country plane ride, brainstorming session, in a working group, over brunch, on zoom, dancing, paddling out, running uphill, near the payphone at a gas station, around the campfire, checking out at Trader Joes, making art, volunteering at a film festival.******Sharing love notes from my residency at Madrone Art Bar where we explored *BELONGING*. These giant 11×17 love notes available for your big public displays of affection at www.LoveYou2.org -> Love Notes