1,834 days of loving you: THANK YOU



Five years ago this week, I clicked "publish" on the get love. give love. blog posting the original "i love you, too" flier and inviting anyone anywhere to join me in posting a flier & sharing their love note story.1,834 days later, I still love you hard. It's not the same feeling as it was in the beginning, you and I. My nerves have settled, fewer butterflies (though they come!) and much less fear. You are bolder, too. You approach with collaborations, offerings all your own, and sweet magical stories of your own love adventures. All these days of love, art, laughter, exploration, witnessing, hoping, wonder and awe fill me to the top with gratitude. Much in the same vein of how this journey began.I know this more each day: A lover is someone who loves.As a small token of my gratitude to you for joining me on this wild love affair, please accept (my favorite!) the original love note set as a printable: 4LoveYou2orgLoveThanksBecauseToday.Get love. Give love.Tell me what you do with it! xo